Top Tips to Increase Your Fertility
Start (or continue) your pregnancy journey here! It’s a very special soul who gets to come into this world with a balanced mom and family. Whether you are just thinking about pregnancy or have been trying to conceive for months or years, try out these recommendations below. If you follow many of these guidelines alone, you will boost your fertility significantly.
Dietary Recommendations
* Clean out your system, properly. Try a week of eating one to two liquid meals each day (enough to nourish you, but fully pureed or blended, think nourishing smoothies and soups or anything that can be blended). Increase your greens, fruits and vegetables (at least half of each meal). Eat routine meals rather than snacking throughout the day. Use Triphala at night to promote healthy elimination of toxins. Stoke digestion with Cumin, Coriander, Fennel Seeds, a little fresh ginger, or Pitta Digest Formula. After one week, return to regular daily meals, with ONE day each week having your 2 largest meals in liquid form (again, enough to nourish, but fully blended or pureed). Contact me for additional, more specified detoxification, such as Verechena (which is fantastic for high heat times or highly-heated people).
* Fruits and Vegetables to favor: Stewed apples, Mangoes, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Asparagus, Broccoli, Leafy greens like spinach, chard or kale, Kelp and seaweed
* For dessert, try a banana cooked in ghee with cinnamon and cardamom, or some homemade rice pudding with cinnamon and cardamom.
* Mung dhal and Lentil dhal.
* Avoiding red meat and hard cheeses (soft cheeses “fresh cheeses” are okay)
* For a light meal or before bed, try a Date & Milk Shake with cinnamon and cardamom or a Mango-Milk Shake.
* Almonds, Walnuts (ideally soaked)
* Use Turmeric, Cardamom, Cumin, Coriander, Fennel in your cooking or meals
* If you can digest it well, fresh, organic dairy proteins are great. Or take nondairy milks and foods, be sure you have protein and healthy fats in them.
* Enjoy your food! Food is meant to be enjoyed and will nourish and satisfy you more if it is. This is also of utmost importance for your baby to come, to offer him or her the most nourishment. (If you don’t, try some Ayurvedic recipes or see me to simplify it.)
* Minimize it. Babies do not want to come into moms and families with great stress. Yes, it can happen, but it greatly diminishes your fertility.
* Get quality sleep
* Meditation
* Surround yourself with high vibration people, music and other things in your life
* Time in Nature
* Prioritizing minimizing your stress is very real, for both fertility and long time health. With all my years in the Emergency Department, the middle aged people who were having ‘older’ issues (heart attacks, strokes, bleeding ulcers, severe abdominal pain.....) all had a higher rating of stress in their lives. Middle age comes fast, do this now for your fertility and your health as a mom for decades to come.
* Get enough hours of sleep (usually 7-9 hours on average, depending on the person)
* Get quality sleep: zero to one waking in the night (including to pee) and being able to get right back to sleep, feeling rested upon rising are all necessary
* Proper time of day: daytime sleep is not as helpful to your physiology as night time sleep, especially the hours we get before midnight
* If you don’t have proper quantity, quality or time of day, see me to help you. You can also try Valerian Root (if you’re not over heated) or Deep Rest (if you run hot or have early morning awakenings)
Menstrual Health
* Regular periods
* Ovulation between days 12-16
* Bright red (not pink or brown/black) blood flow, without clots
* Without major mood swings or premenstrual symptoms
* With moderate energy throughout your cycle (may have slightly less enery during period, since it’s a natural form of purification)
* If this is not the case, please have a personal consult (online or in person) to rectify your cycle for optimal health, fertility, and pregnancy. It’s usually not so hard
* If you have a medical diagnosis (high FSH, thin uterine lining, luteal phase defect, anovulation, or anything else), please have a personal consult (online or in person) to rectify your cycle for optimal health, fertility, and pregnancy. You may be surprised how gratifying this is, as well.
Mental and Spiritual Health
* Meditate daily. Honestly, an effective meditation practice is priceless for fertility. It will also (for most) extend health and longevity. If you don’t have a dependable practice, contact me and I will teach you how to reap the benefits of this ancient and effective practice.
* Find time for yourself (even if it’s just moments), just being or doing things your LOVE.
* Create opportunities to laugh
* Yoga, Breathwork, Heart opening practices, practice LOVING all that is around you (whether it seems easy or hard). The simple things like a flower on your window sill can open your heart in a moment if you let it. And the hard things, just trust that everything we face has a purpose. If you let it teach and guide you (asking for help when needed), you will evolve into an even more amazing woman (and mother) than you already are. It’s a natural law.
* Let me help you. Personalized health consults and energy transformation treatments are available online and in-office for every aspect of your health and journey to motherhood. I will support you. Our goal is to repair your imbalances, let you conceive, and enjoy your pregnancy. You can do this. I will help you.
Herbs & Supplements
It’s important to have a skilled health practitioner suggest your supplements. Many labels and sales people don’t provide personalized or full information, even if well-intentioned and knowledgable. A few very broad spectrum suggestions for you to do now are listed below. Additional herbs and other supplements can be suggested in a private consult, per your unique needs.
The following are safe to start now:
* Probiotics and/or prebiotics
* Prenatal vitamin (I love MegaFood “Baby & Me,” and other brands like New Chapter...)
* Fish oil containing DHA and EPA
* Many herbs are commonly suggested for fertility, inlcuding organic Shatavari. DO take this, as directed, unless you have obesity, cysts, fluid retention regularly, or diabetes. Do not take it if you have any of those conditions.
Additional Support for best results and efficiency
* Consult with Wendy for your personalized fertility plan
* Transform your energy and open blocked meridians (like acupuncture, often deeper) with an Energy Transformation treatment from Wendy
Wendy Kawasaki is a Registered Nurse with 10 years in Emergency medicine and trauma, 1 year in Labor & Delivery, and 12 highly successful years working as an Ayurveda Practitioner with women of all ages, primarily with women’s health, infertility and pregnancy. She has the deepest gratitude for being a catalyst for your pregnancy and overall health. She is mother of two happy boys.